
Thanks for stopping by Melanie Wallace Style. I hope you will join me as I share my passion for style, beauty, home design, fitness, travel and occasionally a little family life. 


I’m married to the love of my life and I truly love our life and count my blessings everyday. I’ve spent the better part of 20 years raising children, driving carpools, spending weeknights and weekends at sporting events, figuring how to fit in family dinners (yes, I cook Monday-Thursday), designing and decorating homes and figuring out what to wear for it all. But there is more, aside from my own homes I worked as an interior designer so I’ve always had a creative outlet. And I’ll be honest, it was so rewarding to to be a part of helping someone create the most sacred of places...our homes.  It’s so personal and I was so fortunate to have made some of the best friends of my life through the process. When I made the move to Houston full time 5 years ago I knew the projects I was wrapping up would sadly be the end of that chapter. It was a pivotal point in our new family’s life and I needed to focus my efforts on them fully. But time passes and children leave the nest. While I don’t feel I have the ability to devote my time to what it takes to build a new design business I do need a creative outlet. A personal lifestyle blog to hopefully inspire others seemed like the perfect solution as retirement is sooner rather than later for us. Throughout the years so often I’ve been asked, where did you get that blouse, could you send me that recipe or what do you think of this or that for my home and I have a passion for it all. I’m a perfectionist and throw myself wholeheartedly in all that I do. I also believe in putting your best face forward each day while you do what you do.

Through the years I have figured out what works for me and what doesn’t – that’s all. So here I will share my tips and tricks with you and whatever else I learn and figure out along the way.


Fun Facts:


  1. I’m “technically challenged”. I learned typing on a typewriter and thought email was a passing trend.
  2. I’m actually a very private person. I have learned that I’m what is called “a very outgoing introvert”...never knew there was such but it’s true.
  3. I would eat Tex Mex and drink margaritas everyday if it weren’t for my waistline.
  4. I’m an art lover and strongly believe in supporting the arts.
  5. Addicted to shoes since childhood.  I view many shoes as pieces of art in their own right.