Cheers to the Weekend!

Well gang...Cheers to another weekend! What a week. It basically rained in Houston ALL WEEK LONG. I used the weather to my advantage and got a lot of little things done at home which always feels great. I caught up with a sweet friend for lunch on Tuesday. Nurture your friendships ladies...they are good for the soul! We also had dinner with our friends that were in town from The Netherlands and it’s always fun catching up with them. Baby Girl turned 20 and Number 1 Child’s internship got extended and our oldest is settling in to her new life and job in Denver. Man Child is home from camp and spending his time perfecting a few things musically via some private lessons before heading off to school in the fall; I love hearing the house filled with his music during the day {I will miss that for sure}. My husband will be home early after a very busy week and I’m looking forward to that. Friday afternoon “date days” are my very favorite! My new piece for the entrance hall is hopefully being delivered tomorrow and other than that there is not much going on and for that I am very grateful. 

A sweet reader inquired about a pop up toaster and I posted links of ones I have owned or currently own on the app! They are all great and at various price points. I just love all of your ideas, questions and emails! Keep them coming!

I am struggling with my emails going out on the latest blog posts. I’m working on it and will have it resolved by next week!


~I just want to wear denim cutoffs with cute button downs.

~Looking for new inspiration in the kitchen & making a list of new recipes to try for summer.

~Our sweet little labradoodle is struggling with allergies in his eye still.

~Still can’t stop thinking of these shoes that I don’t need but will probably buy anyway!