Luxury For Less: Grocery Store Orchids

M Wallace Style - Grocery Store Orchids

Let’s talk about those pretty orchids we see every time we are in the grocery store.  Orchids are one of my very favorites and I can’t help but ohh and ahh each time I pass them at the store ~ which if you’re like me is pretty much every single day.  Many of you may think I don’t know what to do with them, how to care for them, yada yada yada.  Lucky for you, that’s what I’m here for!

For starters, orchids are very low maintenance – two to three ice cubes about every 7-10 days is all they need. Easy right?  

While most orchids come in some sort of “vessel”, I don’t particularly care to have a mismatched assortment of bad pastel ceramic pots for display in my home so I play around with vases and "vessels" I have collected over the years.

I’ve happened to have this antique bread bowl for years and years so that’s what I pulled. If your orchid is going on a bathroom counter, you may only need one orchid vs. two to three, so choose your “vessel” accordingly.  You could place them in just about anything really and it doesn’t even have to be that deep. I like to leave my orchids in the little pastel containers mine come in as it protects your “vessel” from any water damage....not that 2-3 ice cubes every seven to ten days would do that much. But, just in case. It also makes changing them out later easier.  

Now that we have our “vessel” chosen the real fun begins! Just place them in the “vessel”, and then turn them this way and that way to showcase the best angle for each. If you need some filler between the little pots just wad up some newspaper and place it around them.  Or if you don’t have newspaper like me just wad up some paper out of your printer or that old roll of wrapping paper that just won’t seem to get lost.  Now we have everything situated and we just need to tidy it up.  We need to cover up that newspaper.  In “the closet” I keep bags of moss that I purchase at Hobby Lobby.  I don’t particularly enjoy going to Hobby Lobby so I usually purchase about 10-12 bags at a time.  Like I said, I really don’t enjoy Hobby Lobby, but if it’s your thing 2 bags and your “safe”.  For a large “vessel” such as mine I use around one to one and a half bags.  It’s cheap and I make a mess with it and you should not skimp here.  There is no wrong way...cover up the, add to it and have fun.

My orchids stay in bloom for 3-4 months.  Once the blooms drop, they are not dead but I always toss mine.  I’m not into nursing mine back, I just buy more.  I usually want a different color by then too.  And, you did after, all just create an arrangement for about $35 less your “vessel” that you will enjoy for three to four months.  Not bad given you would have paid a florist about $300!

Your turn! Go buy those orchids, play around with them, and be prepared to ohh and ahh all your house guests.