Meal Planning: How & Why I do it each week and so should you!



So today I wanted to share a little bit with you about how I figure out what I'm going to feed the people each week. Time is very important to all of us, and this little habit has created more time for me to enjoy doing other things besides stress over what to cook for dinner. It's a habit I have practiced every Sunday afternoon for the last 20 plus years and rarely do I spend more than 30 minutes on it. I sit down and decide what to cook for dinner that's called "Meal Planning" and it's come a long way from the days when I actually had to pour over cookbooks. With social media it can now be done in 10 minutes or so and will save you countless headaches, unnecessary trips to the store, which more than likely results in money saved. 

My technique has changed over the years and you need to do what works for you. When my children were very young and I just wanted them to eat something besides macaroni and cheese,  I assigned each of them a night and I chose the rest. In our house, I usually cook Sunday through Thursday. We eat out our or entertain on the weekends and are not huge leftover people so I never cared to have a lot of extra food lying around that I would have to toss... I don't like waste either. As they got older and had more extracurricular activities just sitting down to dinner at all became a challenge. That is when your crock pot or prepping early in the morning become important. During this phase, I would check everyone's calendar in the hopes of at least one family meal together at the table. The other days I would toss something in the crockpot, prep a baked ziti, make tacos or sometimes just a simple breakfast for dinner. Now with nearly grown children and most everyone out of the nest, times are different. I now cook Sunday through Wednesday and Thursday is leftovers, a panini or a simple salad of some sort. When we have a completely empty nest in the fall, I'm sure I will need to make an adjustment once more. Do what works for you at the stage you are in is my point.  Now, I even plan my lunches and make sure I have everything on hand for the week. I tend to eat the same few things for breakfast and lunch and just put them on rotation so it's very easy. If your goals are weight loss or just overall eating healthier, planning IS A MUST. Meal planning is sacred to church on Sunday. Once you plan your meals, make a quick grocery list for the items you will need and purchase everything in one trip unless you need fish or something that needs to be bought that day.

While I do enjoy cooking, some days it's just not fun and it's so helpful to know that when you get home you don't have to worry about it or run to the store to try and figure it out...or worst yet, drive through McDonald's. Don't overcomplicate it either, this is not like "company cooking". Believe it or not, I'm actually a pretty lazy weekday cook. Like pretty much everything else in my life I prefer to keep it simple and uncomplicated. I shop the perimeter of the store for my inspiration (fresh meats, produce and veggies), Ina Garten remains a crush and has long been a source of inspiration and there are so many sites I follow in Instagram now that just make it so so easy. Start a folder and save the images of the meals you want to prepare & make adjustments for your dietary needs. Pull from those each week and start there if you are having trouble. After a few weeks, you will wonder how you ever survived not planning. 

Over the years, I have used a notebook or my calendar. If it's something everyone really enjoyed, I write it down and make sure to keep it on rotation. Those become your "go to" meals. I recently purchased this adorable meal planning pad from Veronica Foley Design and could not love it more. It's great to have around the kitchen where everyone can see what's for dinner too! I can plan all of our meals and tear off my little list. There is even an inspirational quote on each page. I will definitely reorder when needed! Did you know that I even planned our meals while we were at the beach? Sure was so easy and they were so so good. The grocery run to Publix couldn't have been easier because I had a list in advance! We had real, thoughtful food...not pointless groceries and snacks. So get planning, quit stressing, spend less and maybe even drop a pound or two...

Happy Planning!

xo, Melanie