Cheers to the Weekend!


Well, it's been a minute...or 20! No, I have not forgotten about my little bog. I have just been bogged down in this thing called life. I am a wife and mom first and that must always take precedence. And while it's not technically the weekend, we do leave bright and early to take Man Child to school tomorrow. I feel like I have been in a perpetual state of packing and getting kids out of the house for months...although it's just been one. But we did have the kids home and in all honesty, I don't "summer well" with kids (grown or not) underfoot. When they were little, I struggled to keep them busy, which is hard on everyone. The opposite of over scheduled was just as unpleasant. Summers have just always thrown me off and they are not my jam. I thrive on routine. Once they move away to school and come home, they tend to be less than great "guests" forgetting "house rules". So, I have decided to take next week off from the blog to get my house and life back together. But please follow along on Instagram until then. My husband will be traveling as well and a little peace and quiet alone sounds like a dream. No empty nest syndrome...not yet anyway.

I absolutely loved getting all of your messages about the recipes I linked and you were trying as well as your motivation for meal planning. One reader said her husband told her it was the most peaceful weeknight meal they had had in years! I will continue to put ideas out there for y'all...just bear with me. I also finally had the chance to try a new pilates place; the one I posted on Instagram a while back. While I have practiced the Lagree Method for years, their method is slightly different and I was hooked. I look forward to a regular routine again and LagreeHTX will definitely be a part of that...although until we return from our trip everything is a little off.

Speaking of Italy, I have a few last minute things to book and I have not had one chance to think of tending to them. My sweet friends at Alisei Handbags will be there and it would be lovely to meet them for a Limoncello! If you have not looked at their beautiful, hand sourced bags, you must! I will be writing a full post on mine soon; it's nothing short of spectacular!

On the short list, that is it for now. Get my house in order, find some sort of routine again and prepare for our trip...oh yeah...and convince my husband I need to remodel the kitchen!!! Isn't that what you do when the kids move out? Redo "stuff"....

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and have something fun planned for the weekend. If there is anything you would like to hear about on the blog, please let me know. I love your ideas!

Cheers to the Weekend!

xo, Melanie